After witnessing the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump election cycle and the resulting media hate machine since then, shouldn’t there be a point of wondering if one can be a Christian and identify as a supporter of either of the USA’s two most popular political machines?
What about the words of Jesus in John’s Gospel? The Red and Blue world of politics demand worldy acts that just don’t fit the admonishments of Jesus and His chosen followers. Those described and defined in the Gospels and the writings in the New Testament anyway. That’s just an observable fact.
The Boss’s Boss
Picking up and looking through the eye of a needle and there appears to be a moral reality, where being connected to the rich and powerful is something to avoid as Jesus warned.
Unless of course you don’t really want to make it to heaven.
The corporate business model (of this world) looks to be putting a yoke on Christians that should be avoided at all Gospel and Apostolic costs.
While getting rich isn’t always a bad idea, doing it by crushing the poor and needy, the widow and orphan and your employees . . . has no place in Christian life. Read James, think Jesus, or read a Gospel or four.
How many “Christians” hate Unions, because of hype from the very people that want to run their lives for personal profit?
When the life and family issues cared about by Guilds, Associations or Unions are put into practice, the very teaching of Jesus on caring for your neighbor comes to real life. And real paychecks, mortgages and pensions.
How un-Christian is the Corporate model is of stomping out collective bargaining. That’s not a question. It’s a well-observed and well-deserved verdict.
Is it really a good trade off that Christians are allowed an unsilenced voice when the amplification of it comes from an ulterior motive as dark as it gets? Anti-Union acts can’t fit through that needle either.
The fanatical drive to force all of the populace to live as the rich and politically powerful dictate . . . seems to be an oxymoronic-harbinger of very bad times for the definable faithful in the Church.
It will be corporations that demand the Mark Of The Beast for everyone.
And no Christian should be (nor can be) connected to that.
“Top Stars” in the Christian scene look to make their financial portfolio look no different than a Hedge Fund manager looking for their next batch of corporate elite clients.
And the reality that there are “Christian Stars” in political party parlance is disgusting. Papal or Protestant.
Yet again, so many “Christian” lobbyists lay the yoke of secular corporate business goals on their own necks without ever looking at the Dark Feudal Lords seizing control of the serf populace they create.
And what destination awaits the duped masses of Christians being led along the slick advertisement highway of corporate desires? A home on Debt Avenue of course.
A New Heaven and a New Earth? Not hardly. “In God we Trust” isn’t printed on a VISA or MasterCard.
Same old rich and powerful caring nothing for their lower-class neighbors, or the poor, or the needy, or anyone that doesn’t have a high credit score and 7-figure salary.
And rarely does the party of conservative values ever look like a good Samaritan. They just look like a real estate developer scraping poor homes out of the way for another Strip Mall.
And by the way . . . it’s debt enslaving business structure that define “the world and its ways,” every bit as much as a big city libertine.
For all of the Gospel living Biblical literalists demand as Conservative Values uber alles . . ., do they really showcase the Jesus kind of Christian Church? It looks like high-pressure sales tactics and political pandering have them so neutralized as witnesses for Christ, that the Gospel may as well be hidden under a very tiny basket made of very thick clay, in a very dark cave.
Bottom line on the one side?
You hear the oddity of business class politics flow out of the mouths of “Christian leaders” and their congregations . . . as if John, James or Jude authored it. And that appears to be impossible to connect with any size yoke to Jesus, Peter, John, James, or Jude. Or, anything from Paul of Tarsus.
Doesn’t it seem obvious that the one political party, ruled and led by a class of wealthy political corporate-power fanatics has almost nothing in common with – and everything in opposition to – any path walked by an Apostle or Jesus? Yeah, you know, that guy. The ONLY Savior there is Who preached to and lived with the poor and needy and the working class died even poorer.
Political Christians? Drinking evaporated water.
And the other side:
The hateful speech spewed out towards Christians from “The Left” is so religiously one-sided, it seems like a believer in Christ – as one is described in the New Testament – if seeking a seat with these political ideologues is rather seeking a table a mock-fest where they are the entertainment.
It seems in real discourse, that is to say, actual conversations and interactions, that politically secular, liberal and progressive ideologues are basically, if not entirely intolerant of Christians.
Now of course, being hated for Jesus’ sake is to be expected (per Jesus). Any message of The Cross that gets silenced by design should be contended. And that diversity is not allowed in the Tolerance and Diversity world seems undebatable.
Any Christian that really believes in and dares to speak out (in public or in Church) the precepts of a life described in New Testament guidelines just gets alter calls from marauding hordes of “Church and State Separationists,” (C & S activists for short). Bible-believing Christians ARE allowed to speak freely under blue political guidelines . . ., but only behind closed doors in state monitored isolated enclaves. Otherwise identified as dens of hate-speech that Separationists call “Churches.” So it’s OK to silence free speech by allowing it only life behind closed doors. The irony of that from the diversity sect is almost laughable if not for the hate that permeates the action.
Forget about or completely denying documented American history that proves otherwise, C & S Separationists (Christian attack groups) just keep screaming and suing Christians ever-onward for employing their First Amendment rights as it was designed.
There is no such thing as separation of Church and State anywhere in the constitution except for a clause about running for office.
Historical facts, are so inconvenient sometimes. Better to shout them down than to ever listen to them. Guess what that means.
Let’s see: It certainly appears, from all of the secularistic lawsuits all over the USA, that one move, one word or any sermon in either Church or Town Square, or one word or stand against the secular machine in school (from Pre School to PhD) that irritates the C & S Separationists’ (Christian attack groups) that dwell with absolute yoke-connection to the absurdly labeled “tolerance and diversity” party . . . and the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center and of course the IRS will be unleashed like Legion to shut the Christian mouth closed.
Why would a definable Christian be a member of a political party that is the very antithesis of what Jesus and the Apostles advised? One is a vehicle to make the rich richer at the cost of anyone that isn’t. The other one is as permissive and lascivious and licentiousness as if the Roman Empire only took a millennia and a half time out. Choosing the lessor of two evils? Where is that encouraged in the New Testament or in living a Christian life?
It sure looks like the most popular political parties in the USA have as much in common with Gospel teachings as a stop sign placed on the track of the Daytona 500.